Lorentz Laumann [20467]
Anne Christine Elizabeth Resch [20472]
Ole Nielsen [20498]
Anne Røhner [20499]
Johan Joseph Laumann [20473]
Grethe Marie Nielsen [20474]
Gerhard Simen Laumann [20550]



1. Martha Caroline Striblen [20551]

Gerhard Simen Laumann [20550]

  • Født: 5 jan 1832, Fåberg, Oppland
  • Døpt: 18 mar 1832, Fåberg, Oppland
  • Ekteskap (1): Martha Caroline Striblen [20551] den 23 nov 1859
  • Død: 1914, Hickory Grove cemetery. Kansas City, USA 82 år gammel

  Generelle notater:

Ref. https://www.mynheriatge.no/reseach/connection

Laumann Gerhard S., farmer section 30, p.o. Summitville, owner of 120 acres. Born in Norway in1832. His parents came to USA in 1839. In 1841 his father Johan Joseph puchased a claim in sec. 30, Montrose TP, but he died soon after. In 1852 G. S. Laumann crossed the plains to California where he remained for 6 years, then married in 1859 Matha C. Sriblen a native of Germany. They had 3 children; Mathilda, Charles and Laura. The lost 4 children in infancy. Mr. Laumann has served as Justice of the Peace for 6 years. Reelected til1880."

Garrett S. Laumann (Gerhard Simen Laumann) Nekrolog:

Nearly three-quarters of a century was spent in Lee county be Garrett S. Laumann, An aged Norwegian whose death came at Kansas City, Kansas, last Friday night, 1914, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.H. Wright.

Last March, Mr. Laumann, in poor health, went to Kansas City. Six weeks ago, a stroke of paralysis left him speechless. The aged man was confined to his bed three weeks. The deceased was eighty-one years of age the fifth day of his month. He was born in Christiania, the capital city of Norway.

When a child of five, Mr. Laumann came to this country. He lived in New York about six months, then came to Iowa with his realatives. For many years Mr. Laumann farmed a tract of ground, one hundred and fifty acres in all, near Sugar Creek, nine miles west of Keokuk.

In 1859, he was married to Miss Carrie Steblin (Martha Caroline Striblen). Mrs. Laumann died six years ago in this city. During his many years of residence near Keokuk, Mr. Laumann was known as Squire Laumann. He was highly respected in the country community and by the many in Keokuk, who knew him.

The deceased was Unitarian in faith. The Rev. C.F. Elliott, pastor of the First Unitarian Church will conduct the services, which will probably be held tomorrow. The body lies at the Crimmins & Chase undertaking parlors, having arrived this morning and may be seen there by friends. Interment will be made in Hickory Grove cemetery.

Mrs. Wright, the daughter, and a son, Charles Laumann, last heard of at Seattle, Washington, are the only survivors. The deceased Mr. Laumann was the youngest and last member of a family of children.


• Dåp, 18 mar 1832, Fåberg, Oppland.

Gerhard giftet seg med Martha Caroline Striblen [20551] [MRIN: 7301] den 23 nov 1859. (Martha Caroline Striblen [20551] ble født i 1843 og døde ca. 1908 i Kansas City, USA.)

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