Theophile Louis Chauvin [314]



1. Alfhild Buch [313]

Theophile Louis Chauvin [314]

  • Født: 28 nov 1869, Leval, Frankrike
  • Ekteskap (1): Alfhild Buch [313] den 21 apr 1901 i Christiania, St. Olafs Kirke I Kristiania.
  • Død: 2 nov 1943, Paris, Frankrike 73 år gammel

  Generelle notater:

From: fanny augarde <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: Theophile Chauvin x Alfhild Buch
Dear Thorstein,

I do thank you for your answer and for the very interesting appendix.

I have no family link with Th.Chauvin. I am interested by his military services during WW1:
at the beginning he was appointed as a French translator within a British division engaged towards
Anvers (Antwerpen). To avoid a capture by the Germans, this division entered in the Netherlands.
Th.Chauvin was taken prisoner for several months on an island. Eventually, he succeeded to escape
and go back to France, via Great-Britain. At that time, end 1916, it was decided to have more French citizens
as French consuls in Norway : due to his knowledge of Norwegian (and English and Spanish) language,
Th.Chauvin was appointed as a consul in Narvik and a few months after moved to Tromsö, in order to send
reports about German civilian and military ships entering North Norwegian waters and ports. His military services,
as a consul, ended in the beginng of 1919.

I didn't read a word about his being consul in Christiania, even before the war. What are your sources on this very point?
Sincerely yours,
Philippe Augarde.


• Yrke: Forretningsmann og fransk consul i Kristiania.

• Folketelling, 1910, Chauvin.

• Yrke: translatør, 1910.

Theophile giftet seg med Alfhild Buch [313] [MRIN: 142], datter av Ivar (Iver) Windfeldt Buch [319] og Augusta Marie Buch [184], den 21 apr 1901 i Christiania, St. Olafs Kirke I Kristiania. (Alfhild Buch [313] ble født den 8 apr 1877 i Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, døpt den 25 mai 1877 i Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag og døde den 21 mar 1913 i Kristiansand S, Vest Agder.)

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